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Fashion School Weirdo

Life can be hard, add motherhood, and domestic duties then life becomes difficult and hetitic. There has been one consistent in the hecticness that is my life, the calm of sewing. Making clothing is something that surprising to me, came naturally when I started sewing over a decade ago. I started a clothing brand in 08 and up until 2015 it was an incredible adventure until I realized I wasn't making any real progress. People loved my clothes but I knew that they lacked in construction quality. I needed practice, refine my skill before trying to attempt to sell my garments.

I spent a year making clothes for myself, working on miniatures and making cannabis bath bombs. I became depressed at not being able to contribute to my family financially. I talked at length with my family about going back to school. I spent the past 10 years of my life dedicated to making clothes, doing photo shoots and participating in fashion shows. I loved the industry the craft and creativeness of making gowns and playing with fabric. It became clear that attending fashion school and getting my degree was the logical choice.

My decision to go back to fashion was thought over hundreds of times. Pro: get the skills I need to move on with my passion, the possibility to get a job with a brand I admire, finally get a degree. Cons: I’m getting older, I am not creative enough to compete with the younger designers, social situations make me nervous. I, despite the negatives, was going back to school.

My second year begins in a few weeks. It has been a long road and I’m far from the finish line but I'm getting closer then I have ever been to accomplishing my goals. I decided to start this blog to share my journey, document my fashion progress, and share my personal style and interests.

At times at school I feel like the fashion weirdo, which is strange since I go to fashion school. I see commercials for bloggers starting blogs for confidence. I guess I figure I'll do the same.

I am a wife, mother and now I'm 2nd year fashion student. It has been a crazy journey. Navigating motherhood and student life can be a

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