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Fashion School- Senior Year

Its crazy to think I started this blog before I stepped foot into my first day at my fashion school. I was lost, scared and anxious but excited to take on this journey. I was lucky at the time in 2017 to have had my grandmother, husband, son, father, auntie and others who were right behind me backing me up. In just a matter of months I will finally have my Bachelor of Arts in fashion design.

It still feels unreal, especially with things the way they are now. I never would have imagined that I might not get the opportunity to walk across a stage and finally be given a diploma. However who is to say what 2021 will bring us when I finally do get to that day this summer.

I thought to commemorate the hard work I've done for the past four years I would post some of my creative chaos and some of my sketches through my college journey. I will be the first to admit, I am no super star designer, my sketches are rough even as I near the finish line. However in an attempt to come out of my creative shell I figures my blog (my creativity safe space) would be a delightful platform to document my process. Some of the sketches and notebooks are from my AA program, while the more developed sketchbooks are from my BA studio courses. I am excited to finally get to think about my final collection concept.

In school we spend a lot of time making mood boards and design process notebooks. With the all creative classes I have equally, if not more, general education classes. I did take several drawing classes, which is good because I'm not a strong drawer. I also had classes were we had to create collections for imaginary brands. I liked those classes but the sewing classes were the best!

To be honest, the more sewing classes I've had, the more creative the requirement for designs, the more nervous I became about showing my class assignment garments to my classmates.

Its weird when I didn't know what I was doing when I was sewing, photographing and showcasing my creations, before I considered going back to school, I wasn't afraid to show strangers my creations. However now I'm in college, I feel inadequate and untalented in comparison to my peers. My anxiety is often off the charts when it comes to showing my class my art, or art process. The talent of classmates is impressive. Here I am doing what I'm doing not really sure what that is.

After my break from most of all social media over the past year, I decided its time to slowly ease back into it to show the world my silly garment creations despite my anxiety and fear. My educational journey is coming to an end but my fashion career journey is only beginning. I am still scared, lost and confused, but more motivated then ever. Keep watching amazing things are going to happen!

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